Specialist Supports and Services

High needs / autism / cerebral palsy

Fina is qualified, equipped and willing to care for clients with high and complex needs. We are experienced in the care of clients with cerebral palsy and autism.

Staff ratios

1-to-1 and 2-to-1 staff ratios are available and qualified nursing support is available to all our clients on a 24/7 basis.

Robust accommodation

Our positive behaviour planning regime and robust, purpose-built accommodation is particularly appropriate for high-care clients with behavioural issues.

Restrictive practices

Fina is also accredited to manage Restrictive Practices for high-care clients.

Diet and nutrition

Fina is committed to ensuring that our clients eat well thereby maintaining a healthy weight. Our qualified staff nutritionist works with our executive chef to develop scientifically formulated dietary plans for all our clients, especially those with dysphasia and Type 2 diabetes.

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